Your One Stop Shop for Health Coach Contract Templates
Do It Right the First Time and Watch Your Business Grow
Whether you have clients waiting to start your program, or you've just graduated from a coaching school, it's never too early to have the right contracts and forms in place for your business.
Shop Contracts
What’s Included?
Program Services Agreement ($2,500 value)
This agreement sets out all of the details of your program, your refund policy, availability for your clients, intellectual property protections and other boundaries to ensure you and your client are on the same page. It provides disclaimers, indemnification provisions and discusses dispute resolution processes.
Release of Liability ($1,000 value)
Although there is release language in the services agreement this form ensures that your client releases you of any liability in relation to your program and the outcomes of the program. It outlines all the potential risks, and ensures your client confirms that they have entered your program voluntarily and take full responsibility for all of the decisions they make during and after the program.
Privacy Policy for Medical & Personal Information ($1,500 value)
This policy ensures your client is very clear on how you use their medical and personal information and keep it secure. It also ensures you are not liable for breaches of their information.
Authorization to Share Medical Information ($800 value)
Sometimes clients want to share their medical records, tests results and other medical information with you. This form outlines the authorization process for a client to do so and ensure they understand the implications of sharing their medical information.
Authorization to Share Personal Information ($800 value)
Clients may want you to share the personal information they provide during your program, with other individuals, like their health care providers. This form ensures the proper consents are in place to do this.
Website Privacy Policy and Terms of Use ($2000 value)
You are required to have a website privacy poilcy if you collect data about website users like name and email on your website. You also need to have a terms of use agreement that governs how users can use your website.
Independent Contractor Agreement ($2000 value)
This agreement allows health coaches to contract with other companies rather than individual clients, like medical offices, universities and other businesses.